National standard car standard increases again! Will it be easier for dealers to make money?
Class: Industry news
Author: Global electric vehicle network
From: Global electric vehicle network
Time: 2020-12-19 18:01:58
A few days ago, the Ministry of industry and information technology issued a total of 779 items of "the second batch of industrial standards development and revision and foreign language version project plan in 2020" (gxtxh [2020] No. 181). The National Bicycle Standardization Technical Committee is responsible for the formulation and revision of seven standards, such as bicycle brake and variable speed steel rope, bicycle saddle, and electric bicycle rear view mirror. These standards

A few days ago, the Ministry of industry and information technology issued a total of 779 items of "the second batch of industrial standards development and revision and foreign language version project plan in 2020" (gxtxh [2020] No. 181). The National Bicycle Standardization Technical Committee is responsible for the formulation and revision of seven standards, such as bicycle brake and variable speed steel rope, bicycle saddle, and electric bicycle rear view mirror. These standards will further affect the new national standard electric bicycle products and supporting industries!

In addition to the above standards, the drafting working group meeting for other standard items such as bicycle front fork assembly will also be held in the near future.

In recent months, the industry has been constantly refining standards. In June, the National Standards Committee issued a notice to solicit opinions on the project proposal of motorcycle and electric bicycle occupant helmet, and clearly stipulated that this standard is a compulsory national standard!

Under the promotion of the Ministry of public security's "one helmets and one belt" campaign, it is a matter of course that the standards of electric vehicle helmets are put on the agenda.

At the same time, "electric bicycle after-sales service specification" has been approved and officially released, and will be formally implemented from August 1!

With the deepening of the status of electric vehicles in China's people's life, consumers' demand for the standardization of the industry is becoming higher and higher, and a unified after-sales service standard has also emerged.

After that, Zhejiang Province and Jiangsu Province have successively implemented special electric bicycle management laws and regulations, and China's electric vehicle industry has entered an unprecedented era of high standardization. So, are more and more "rules and regulations" a good thing for dealers? Will it make it easier for dealers to make money? The answer is yes.

In 2018, the new national standard was officially issued; in 2019, the new national standard was officially implemented. In the early days, many people sang down the new national standard and even thought that the electric vehicle industry would enter a trough. But after this year's epidemic, consumption rebounded, and the transition period in some regions has ended. The market has shown a blowout situation, and the whole industry has witnessed a miracle!

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