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National standard car standard increases again! Will it be easier for dealers to make money?
A few days ago, the Ministry of industry and information technology issued a total of 779 items of "the second batch of industrial standards development and revision and foreign language version project plan in 2020" (gxtxh [2020] No. 181). The National Bicycle Standardization Technical Committee is responsible for the formulation and revision of seven standards, such as bicycle brake and variable speed steel rope, bicycle saddle, and electric bicycle rear view mirror. These standards
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The zeeho brand of electric motorcycle was born, and the concept car was born, leading the trend
On December 8, the spring wind power EV brand was released to the world in Beijing. The new brand is named zeeho polar core, which means that the core driven by science and technology releases infinite energy. At the same time, zeeho brand electric motorcycle mass production concept car cyber concept is also shining, ushering in the world's first show. This means that spring wind power, which has been deeply cultivated in the motorcycle industry for 31 years, has officially laid out the electric
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What is the experience of riding an electric bicycle after getting used to driving a Porsche?
It's said that a group of Porsche owners gathered near Taihu Lake recently. Let's see what they are doing?
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What you need to know about the charging time of electric vehicles
With the popularity of electric vehicles in the domestic market, more and more users feel the convenience and benefits brought by electric vehicles. However, with the development of the hot electric vehicle market, a series of problems also follow. In addition to the green environmental protection and subsequent battery recycling, users need to understand their own battery endurance, how to ensure long battery life and the battery charging market of electric vehicles.
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Who can be the survivor of sharing motorcycles?
With the emergence of bike sharing, people are getting used to this new thing. While it seems to make travel more convenient, it also ushers in many problems, such as disorderly parking, excessive waste of resources, excessive saturation of vehicles, causing traffic jams and so on. Even if faced with many problems, it has not been able to stop the development of shared bicycle, thus promoting a wave Share the investment of motorcycles.
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BMW's new electric bicycle takes only 3.5 hours to recharge
Has BMW entered the electric vehicle industry?
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